مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى كابيتال بنك لعدة وظائف
Business Intelligence Specialist
About the job
Capital Bank is looking for an experienced Business Intelligence (BI) Specialist that provides strategic, analytical, and technical support for business intelligence activities. The analyst leverages data to gain key insight into business opportunities, and effectively presents these insights to business stakeholders. The analyst is also heavily involved with the distribution and successful delivery of all BI reports.
Role and Responsibilities:
Partner with stakeholders, process specialists, and users to elicit and document business requirements.
Partner with business teams to define and document business requirements for new metrics and reports.
Design, develop, and maintain reports and analytical tools.
Perform ongoing monitoring and refinement of reports.
Provide technical support for existing reports, dashboards, or other tools.
Identify and analyzes errors and inconsistencies in the data and provides timely resolutions.
Translate data results into written reports, tables, graphs and charts to convey information to management.
Create written communication materials that effectively summarize findings and support recommendations.
Create ad hoc reports and views on a frequent basis to assist management in understanding, researching and analyzing issues.
Teach and advocate the use of business intelligence tools across levels of the organization.
Qualifications & Competencies:
3+ years of experience in business analytics field.
Bachelor’s degree in computer science or any related field.
Demonstrated experience in writing software requirements and test specifications.
Experience in project management.
Demonstrated experience using data to drive business decisions
التقديم من خلال الضغط على الصورة
ملاحظة :
ننشرها كما تردنا من الشركات المعلنة عن الوظائف الشاغرة او من المواقع الاخبارية ومواقع التوظيف دون تحمل اى مسؤولية
الرجاء الانتباه عند التقديم لاي وظيفة فالوظائف الحقيقية لا يطلب اصحابها اي اموال مقابل التقديم واذا كانت الشركة المعلنة شركة استقدام برجاء التأكد من هويتها وسمعتها قبل دفع أي مبالغ أو عمولات والموقع غير مسؤول عن أي تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعنلة
تم نسخ الرابط